This past weekend was very relaxful :D Friday night we started our weekend off by relaxing around the apartment, John played xbox and I read my book, and then we went out to Titanic and had a few drinks.
Saturday, we slept in- YAY! went and ate some breakfast and then watched our basketball game. YAY! For a BLOWOUT! :D Afterwards, we took Carter to the dog beach! I love that he loves the water now because we can just throw his ball or Frisbee and he'll go after it- we dont even have to get in. We always come prepared to get in, because sometimes he likes to leave his ball in the water and just because I feel safer that way. lol. We had not taken him to the actual beach since he was real little, so he was excited. We figured he could play with some other dogs and swim. There werent that many dogs out tho :( I guess because people think its cold? I'll admit it is a little chilly, but great weather to hang out on the beach and let the dog play!
Carter enjoying the sand :D
I mentioned there were not that many dogs there, but there were a few. And Carter loves to play! there were two guys at the beach with their dog and they got there the same time we did. Great! our dogs can play together. or so I thought....Who brings their dog to the beach or the dog park and doesnt let or want them to play with other dogs? These guys. I just dont get it. The dogs exhaust each other and get to socialize. I was annoyed. Anyway, we were playing in the same area and they had a Frisbee. Well Carter loves Frisbees and loves other dogs, so he kept trying to go after it and play with the dog. He just didnt understand why he couldnt play :( The guys kept moving further and further down the beach. And Carter wasnt listening very well- he would take off through the water and swim/run all the way down to the other dog. It was frustrating. All of it. Hopefully as it gets warmer, more people will start bringing their dogs out and he can play with some of them. And we can practice training in him to listen better with other dogs around.
Anyway, off my soapbox. The rest of Saturday we hung around the apartment, I went running with Carter, did some laundry, read my book (John played xbox), and then we learned one of the new games we got for Christmas. It's called Carcassonne-its a strategy game sort of like Catan. Very nerdy, but a lot of fun! We also watched NFL playoffs. Not a bad Saturday night if I may say so myself!
Sunday we slept in and were completely lazy again. We also took Carter to the dog park to play. I think my favorite thing about Sunday was not fearing work the next day. LOL. We played games, watched some Modern Family, and of course I continued to read and John played some xbox :D
Monday we slept in a little, but we had plans to go to the beach and didnt want to leave to late. So we ate some bfast and headed out the door. We got down to South Beach around 12. It was a little chilly and I ended up keeping my jeans on- but I got a sun burn on my face and where my bathing suit wasnt covering! Crazy! We ended up staying for about 2 hours and then left because it was really windy and when the sun went behind the clouds, it was a little too chilly. John and I ended up spending the rest of the day relaxing it away. We also got some Chinese for dinner. I was really excited about the Chinese because we hardly ever get it. Then I remembered why. It was disgusting and I still feel gross from it. haha.
All in all though it was a great, relaxing weekend :D Now I just need this one to hurry up! haha
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