Friday after we left the Martins we headed down town for lunch at Coopers. One of the best southern bbq places ever! We were meeting Brad, Jennie B, and Jordyn there. I always have to see Jennie and the sweet little one when we are home because 1) I love them to death:D and 2) Jordyn gets bigger every time I see her and I need her to remember who I am :D
So we ate lunch and caught up! Jordyn is hilarious. When she picks up a credit card she smiles SO big! and she does it EVERY time. It's like she knows what it is. Scary! haha. Watch:
TOO FUNNY! Anyway, lunch was fun and I hate that it's never long enough!
Love these ladies!

After lunch we went and played some disc golf with Brad! I miss playing disc golf. I was excited about getting to take Carter too. Whenever we were in college we couldnt wait to have a dog to take with us. However, it was waaay too difficult. He's too much of a puppy still. I ended up letting the guys finish playing and I ran with Carter in the baseball field.
After disc golf we went back to Brad's and hung out until dinner time and then got ready and went out. We went out with Brad, Jenny, Steve, Kristen, AJ, Sherry, and some of her friends. We had a really good time! Kristen and AJ let us ride in their convertible with the top down. haha. It was a little cold ;D
Crazy kids in the back of the convertible!

Saturday we got up and grabbed some lunch at Smithfields-SO delicious! I literally gained 5lbs while I was home. Well worth it though! Anyway, then John and I headed to Hutcherson's house. We were meeting up with Krystal, Josh, Chris, and Bryan to go to an NC State basketball game! We also dropped Carter off. First we let him and Bailey play for a little bit and they exchanged Christmas and birthday presents. TOO cute. Then we crated them next to each other (they were really good!) and we headed off to the game.
I was SO excited about the game! John had gotten us some REALLY great seats. Courtside!! We also hadnt been to a game in forever. It's not the same as it used to be, being in the student section and all, but we had a lot of fun. We also made it on the jumbotron a few times! (john just happens to know the director. haha)
Our seats! not bad...

Mrs Wuf!

After the game we went back to Hutcherson's to get ready for his New Years party! I honestly cant believe how fast this past year went!! Anyway, we had a few more friends come over and had a really good time. After the ball dropped and everyone did their smooching, I made everyone go around and say one thing they wanted to accomplish this year. I am such a dork :D It was fun though. Carter and Bailey played the entire time. For HOURS AND HOURS! Which was good because Carter was EXHAUSTED for the entire car trip home :DWe spent some more time with everyone and then headed to bed since we had a 13 hour drive the next day. YIKES.
Some of the ladies :D

John and AJ

Kristen and Chris

Me and my boo!

We also put birthday hats on the puppies to celebrate Carter's bday. lol

Playing tug-o-war with each other. Very cute!

The next morning we got up and went by my mom's on our way out. Mom and Mawmaw made a huge breakfast with sausage gravy (like always) and it was DELICIOUS! It was also nice to Mawmaw and Pawpaw and my Aunt Rhonda. I could have stayed and talked with them for hours. I really miss all of them a lot. We could only stay for a little bit though, long enough to eat, open the presents they gave us, and give kisses goodbye.
Then we headed back to Miami. The drive really wasnt that bad- Thank goodness. We took turns again and made it home about 10pm, which was great timing! Unforutnatley, John had to work the next day:( but I had it off so I did laundry and unpacked for us. After John got home we relaxed for the rest of the day, which was nice.
Overall we had an amazing, relaxing vacation and I cannot wait for the next one! LoL :D
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