Our thought was how many times in our life will we 1) go to a BCS bowl? 2) get free tickets to one? 3) live close enough to decide at the last minute to go? Even though we both had to work in the morning we decided it was worth it to be tired!
One of my colleagues, Phill, was the one who called. His pastor had given him extra and he invited us and Nate, another colleague. Phill said he was on his way to get us since kick off was at 8:30. We ran to change and FAIL. I dont own anything orange and I was planning on pulling for the Tigers. Yikes. I need to fix that! I learned that I favor the green of the UM colors. I ended up wearing black and red (always sporting the pack :D). Really I was cheering on the ACC.
We were finally on our way and traffic was horrible! And not because of game day traffic, but because a state trooper rammed into the back of another car. haha. You dont get to see that too often! Luckily, we still made it in time for kick off :D
After the half we decided that if West Virgina scored again and Clemson didnt answer, we would go. The score was ridiculous and it was FREEZING. Yes, in Miami. With the windchill it was in the 30's. Guess what happened? We ended up leaving. haha. Sad day for a blow out of a BCS bowl, but I am still super excited we got to go to one!
Oh, we also got to see Train perform during half time. They were okay, a little disappointed, but glad I got to hear Drops of Jupiter live and there were fireworks!
We had fun. Sorry, Clemson for the blow out...
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