Happy 2 Months Baby Girl!!
This past month was full of so much! Savannah and I enjoyed a month of maternity leave just us two, we celebrated Christmas and New Years, attended our mom's group on Monday's, and played in her first snow!!
All the snuggles! Daddy we miss you already!
Hanging out on her elephant mat!
On our way to our Mom's group! I very much enjoyed this group. It was so nice to be around other women going through similar issues with their kiddos. It was actually a free breastfeeding support group and we talked all about breastfeeding and baby development. I was so so so sad when I had to stop going and went back to work. lol
Sweet girl is milk drunk after one of our meetings :D
Carter warmed up to her a little and started to give her kisses :D
We had to get our 2 month shots at our check-up. It required a big bow :D
She did great! She was 14lbs and 25 inches long! She's 89% in weight and head circumference and 99% in height!! Definitely our kid. Haha:-)

Tummy time!! She is not a fan...
I went and got my hair done one afternoon. My mom took the day off and spent it with us and babysat while I went. It was SO nice to get out for a little bit and so nice to have mom around :D
Thanks Nana Jana!
So itty bitty
I love it when she sleeps on me :D It's one of my favorite things!
Our little duck after bath time!
Her milk drunk face will never get old to me
We met daddy for lunch a few times! It was nice to get out of the house for a little bit and great to spend some time with daddy!
This little guy showed up at our house one day. AND WOULD NOT LEAVE. He sat on our door step ALL day. With a newborn and allergies myself, I couldnt bring the kitty inside. I was afraid to feed him too, because then he would really never leave. I called a flyer that Krystal had seen and talked to a lady and we spent most of the day trying to get this kitty a home. Josh came and got him and someone at his work gave the kitty to his kids for Christmas. He was a VERY friendly kitty and I'm sad we couldnt play. It did make for an interesting day with a kitty on the porch and the dog inside and a newborn trying to nap. lol. In the end, I'm just glad he went to a good family.
Christmas Eve we spent at the Martins house and went to Christmas Eve service and then opened presents. Christmas lunch we went to Fayetteville and Savannah got to meet Jim's side of the family! Christmas dinner was at our house with my family! Busy busy! But it was nice to spend time so much time with family :D
Snuggles with Grandma on Christmas Eve!
I love our little family!
Such a pretty girl :D
Christmas morning I made the traditional biscuits and chocolate with some bacon! YUM!
At grandmas house with my little santa
John's cousin Bobby was one of the MOST excited people when he found out we were having a baby. He would text me all the time and check on me. As soon as he could get his hands on her at Christmas, he didnt put her down. It was precious. Of course I didnt get any other pictures. I really need to up my picture game when we visit people.
All dolled up for the friends Christmas party at the Weavers!
Exchanging gifts with the Kinlaws!
We spent New Years Eve with the Kinlaws. We decided to keep it small this year and just had a few friends over. It was great. The babies slept and we rung in the New Year all together :D
She was sad her birth year was ending. Jk. It was WAY past her bedtime. haha
Daddy reading a book!
We spent the new year working on tummy time! Which she still hated. LOL
"I think i'll just lay here..."
Sweet baby. She started to sleep through the night this month! Now this means stretches of 8-10 hours. Which felt like gold. At first, just 4 or 5 hours were magical. Then came the longer stretches and it was wonderful. lol. We honestly thought it would take a lot longer before she slept through the night!! I have friends with 1 year olds who STILL have to get up a few times a night! I feel like we are very blessed that it happened so early for us! The first few times, I did wake up in a panic and check the monitor to make sure she was still breathing. lol. She would wake up around 3 or 4 and then go back to sleep for a few more hours. I dont mind that middle of the night feeding though.
It is precious time with just us two. :D
Her first snow! She was not too sure about it...
Such a cutie
Carter trying to make it all better :D
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