Welcome to the World Sweet Little One!!
I can hardly believe you are here!!! Our world is so much happier now that you are in it and now I understand what people mean when they say they didnt know they could love someone so much. Here is Savannah's Birth Story! (TMI Warning!)
Saturday morning, November 5th, John and I got up and I made some breakfast, usual Saturday morning stuff. Nothing felt different. We had gone to a bonfire to celebrate Krystal's big 3-0 the night before and while there I had 3 or 4 contractions. Nothing unusual from the past week. The baby travel system had been delivered- YEA! So John worked on putting it all together. We decided to bite the bullet and buy a new one. Once John was putting it together- we had no regrets. It's super nice and one less thing we need to worry about. We decided it wasnt something worth skimping out on.
Noon rolled around and we sat down to watch some football and relax. We didnt play until that night, so we were just watching other teams. I couldnt even tell you who was on now. At 12:30pm, I had a contraction. Not out of the ordinary, but I had started to look at the clock when I had them just in case it was actually go time. 12:32pm, I had another! and OH BOY did I have to pee. John had to help me off the couch and I waddled down the hall. I made it about halfway and stopped because water started coming out of me! My water broke!!! I made a funny noise and John was like what?! and I was like, umm I think my water just broke!!! He jumped up and ran to me. (TMI- I was pulling my pajama pants off and you could see water coming out! It's was clear and way less gross than I thought it would be). John was like, umm wanna move to the bathroom? haha. I started FREAKING OUT. Like super freak out. I started yelling to call the doctor and he remained calm. Told me to clean myself up and we could call afterwards. I knew I hadnt just peed myself because I still had to pee. lol.
After I changed out of the pjs, we called the doctor. We had to wait for them to call back, I was so nervous. They called back fairly quickly and it was DR YOON ON CALL!!! Y'all have NO idea how happy this made me. An answer to prayers for sure! I told him my water broke and he asked if I was sure and I told him about it. He said to go ahead and come on in to the hospital. I asked if I could shower first and he asked what number kid it was for me. haha. I told him it was our first and he said I had time for a shower and to pack a bag but not to take too long. So that's what we did. I showered and got ready and John packed our stuff. Apparently, I hadnt packed as well as I thought. We took WAY too much stuff to the hospital. The Kinlaws arrived and started helping us finish up. About 1:30pm, I started having contractions. They started to come every 10 minutes apart. We got loaded up, gave Carterbutt a kiss, and headed to the hospital. On the way we called our parents letting them know my water broke, but they didnt need to come right away. We needed to see if I was even dilating and labor could take hours. While on the ride to the hospital, which is only 20-25 minutes away, my contractions started to pick up and were about 3 minutes apart! John hit the gas and I swear we were doing 90. I was not about to have the baby in a car. haha.
John helping me through a contraction
John helping me through a contraction
Last picture of me with my first baby :D
And last picture of a family of 3! Carter was trying to figure out what was going on!
And last picture of a family of 3! Carter was trying to figure out what was going on!
When we got to the hospital, we pulled up in patient registration and John helped me out of the car. I couldnt even get into the hospital without having a contraction that took me to the ground. I was squatting in the entry and a nice man working the desk brought a wheelchair over for me. John had to move the car while I checked into the hospital. That man at the desk was so very nice. I'm so thankful for his kindness. One of the ladies was rude, but he re-explained everything (since I was having a contraction when the lady was telling me) and then took me up to the maternity ward. Once up there, I got put in triage. I told the nurse that my contractions were 3 minutes apart and I remember hunching over the bed. John got there pretty quick and I got into bed. They started to ask me tons of questions and worked on checking me into the maternity part of the hospital. The nurse told me that they would get my doctor and they would check and see if they were going to be keeping me or be sending me home. I was like ummm. I'm not going anywhere! haha. My contractions are too close and my water broke. She was like- oh. Your water broke? We'll keep you then. lol.
Dr. Yoon came in and checked me and I was still only 3cm and 70% effaced! I thought for sure I had progressed with how fast the contractions were coming!! She told me it would be hours and to try to relax while I could. So I did. I got it in my head it would take hours. Then the nurse started to ask me about the pain management that I had decided on. I had decided to try nitrous oxide and see if I could manage contractions that way. However, I told her to let me know when the cut off for an epidural was in case I decided I wanted one. About this time my contractions started to come on even faster. I asked about the nitrous and apparently you have to be checked into a room before you can have any. For some reason their computer was having a difficult time checking me in. Of course. I asked how often they checked me a couple minutes later because I was SURE I was progressing. She told me they only check every few hours to prevent risk of infection. I was like oook. lol
With John next to my side, my contractions started to come even quicker (if that's possible) and they were getting even more painful. So painful that I started to throw up and I couldnt stop. I also got violent shakes. John got worried and asked if it was normal and of course the answer was yes- nobody tells you about the shakes though. My contractions were coming so fast that at this point, I could barely catch my breath between them. John did a great job coaching me and rubbing my back (as much as I would let him touch me). I got SO hot and sweaty and I was so dizzy. He held the throw up bag for me and kept switching it out. I felt so bad for him, but there wasnt anything I could do. At this point I was like- GET ME THE EPIDURAL. lol. Unfortunately, they were still having problems getting me checked in and I couldnt have one until that happened. They offered me Fentanyl- that's all they said they could give me. John and I had talked about not using these types of drugs because they are supposed to make the baby lethargic and we didnt want that for when the baby was born. BUT, I couldnt take the pain. I caved. The nurse said it would only be in my system for about two hours and that's about how long it would take me to get the epidural. UGH. So I caved. It helped. For a minute. or what felt like a minute. It didnt stop the shakes, or vomiting, or sweating. It helped me catch my breath for a minute, but then I was back to not being able to catch my breath. I was so dizzy and in SO. MUCH. PAIN. that it truly felt like I was having an outer body experience. The next thing I know the nurse goes ahead and hooks me up to an IV so I would be ready for an epidural when the time came. She said I had to go through an entire IV bag of fluids before they could give me the epidural and they might as well start me on it now so when I did get checked in, I didnt have to wait long. They had such a hard time getting the IV in me :( I was so dehydrated from vomiting :( Finally, they got it in, got me checked in and moved me to a room. I remember noticing another nurse was taking me, but I was pretty much delirious at this point. The contractions were too fast for me to process and catch my breath that I just stayed dizzy. Once in the room, I got into bed and then had to pee. Somehow- I still dont know how, I managed to use the bathroom and then got back into bed again. It felt like an eternity before the anesthesiologist arrived with the epidural. I was terrified of it before, but didnt care anymore at this point. My biggest fear was staying still enough since I was still shaking violently. I remember scribbling my signature on some paperwork and then felt the needle go in. It was almost instant relief.
I felt like I was on cloud 9! I was like- well I'm going to take a nap yall. The past little while had taken it OUT of me and I was exhausted. Dr. Yoon came in at that point and checked me. I told him my nap plan and he was like- nope. Your 10cm. We'll start pushing in just a minute. Umm. WHAT?! I looked at the nurse and was like- how did I get an epidural? She was like- I knew you were going super fast based on how you were acting. Ive never seen it in a first time mom, but I could tell what was happening. I didnt tell anyone because I wanted you to have that epidural for pushing. I could have hugged her. I did later. lol. She said most women will labor for 8-9 hours. It took me 3 1/2. Although, I'm pretty sure I went the fastest towards the end when it felt like I couldnt even breath. It was awful. At this point, John called all our family to let them know that our sweet baby girl would be here shortly! I was 10cm and to come on to the hospital. I have chills thinking about all of this now!! How much our lives were about to change! We were about to meet our daughter. OUR DAUGHTER! Crazy.
Of course when they checked me it was time for the nurses to switch shifts. Since my body wasnt in push mode yet, we waited until the new nurse came on so I didnt have to have nurses switch in the middle of pushing. I started pushing around 7pm. I dont know if the fast, violent labor or the pushing was worse. lol. I thought when you got an epidural that you didnt feel anything. I'm not sure if it worked all the way on me. While I couldnt feel the contractions (thank goodness!) I could still feel EVERYTHING else. Pushing. IS. HARD. Part of why I didnt want an epidural initially was because I wanted to be able to push in different positions. Luckily, I still could move my legs some, so I was able to flip over and lean over the bed to push, I pushed on my sides, and of course on my back. It got so hot that at one point I stripped down. The gown was in my way anyways. lol. I also did something that I NEVER thought I would do. I asked for a mirror! This ended up being very encouraging to me. I was able to watch me push her and see some of the progress! It was also frustrating to see her go back in some when I stopped pushing :(. We did learn in class that pushing was like 2 steps forward and 1 step back and that was very true for me.
I ended up pushing for 2 1/2 hours. Dr. Yoon would come in and out and help some but mostly it was just my nurse and John. I know neither of us realized how involved he would be. I always just pictured him up at my head. Nope. The nurse told him to grab a leg and hold it up while I pushed. lol. Bless. That. Man. He counted for me, held my leg, and was so encouraging. I could not have done it without him. I completely understand when people say they grew closer to their spouse in the delivery room because I definitely did. There was no humility left, but I grew closer. haha :D Towards what would be the end of me pushing, I got to the point where I couldnt hold my breath when I pushed any longer. I yelled. They had told me not to do that, but it ended up being helpful for me. I was also at the point where I was screaming to just cut the baby out of me. John said when nurses would come in and out he could see the other nurses at the desk and they were all laughing because they could hear me. Oh the things I yelled. lol. Those are better left to memory. HA! Towards the end, tons of nurses came into the room. I saw Dr. Yoon run in and throw on scrubs. At this point I was exhausted and delirious and just so out of it. I was done pushing. But they told me that when everyone comes into the room like that, that the baby is close. They were there for the birthday party. A few pushes more and out she came. She was born at 9:37pm.
All of the end was blurry. I remember looking down and seeing her being held up and then being placed on my chest. She wasnt crying. I freaked. Why wasnt she crying? She was looking around with the biggest eyes. THEN she started to cry. I couldnt even believe it was all real. John cut the cord! I didnt even get to see it happen, but I was so proud of him for doing so. He said after everything he had just seen, cutting the cord was nothing. lol. There are definitely things that neither of us will ever be able to unsee. But our sweet baby girl was here. John looked at me and asked- Savannah? It was a name we talked about that kept coming up to the top of our list. Same with McKenzie. We decided to put them together. It just felt right. So Savannah McKenzie. She was here. Her APGAR scores were 8 and then 9- So good! I just held on to her as they wiped her down a little and ran all the tests. I could only stare at her while I had to push out the placenta. That part hurt more than I thought it would after birthing a baby. lol. Then the "massages" came. Those hurt even more. Dr. Yoon was awesome. He was so encouraging and I was so thankful he was there to deliver Savannah. He said I tore only a tiny bit and almost didnt need stitches! I was pretty happy with that. I pushed forever, so I thought it would end up being worse. I also asked him to see the placenta! He was a little shocked- honestly, John and I were too. BUT it lived in me and I had to push it out. I wanted to see it. SO, he showed it all to me. The sac Savannah grew in was still in tact too. You could see where she lived and how the umbilical cord ran to her. It was really neat. I'm glad I asked.
Again, this part is a blur. I dont know how long she was on me before they took her to weigh and before we tried to get her to latch for the first time. I remember she latched well and ate a little. She did turn blue some, so I was told to keep an eye on her and make sure she was breathing. Like I wasnt going to be doing that anyways. haha. (this ended up being nothing and we never had any issues.) She weighed in at 8lbs 2oz and was 20.5inches long. Her head was 14.5inches round. It was huge. Even the nurses commented about how big her head was. haha. I was like- tell me about it! She did come out with her hand in her face, so they think that might be part of why it took so long to push her out. She loved her hand in the womb and we've come to learn she loves it in the outside world too, so we weren't surprised.
After awhile, John held her and I cleaned myself up for family to come in. Everyone came! It was so sweet. Grandpa even made birthday cupcakes for her!!! We shared her and visited with everyone until it was time to move rooms. My family stayed for a bit and then left so they could get some sleep. It was probably close to 2am at this point. We got settled into our room and were running off so much adrenaline that we were not even that tired. I do remember at some point someone went and got me food. I was STARVING. Every hour or so the nurses would come in and check on us. We practiced breastfeeding, which seemed to come pretty easy thankfully! Daddy changed lots of diapers and then we did try to get some rest. Well as much as you can in a hospital and feeding a newborn every 2 hours. haha. We snuggled so good. It was wonderful. A nurse came in a few hours later and gave Savannah a sponge bath.
Daddy helped us into the car and we headed home as a family of 3! We were STARVING on our way home, so we stopped and got ALL of the Chinese food. I remember it being some of the most delicious food ever. lol It was so nice to be on our way home and start our new life together and not as scary as I imagined it would be!
I cant wait to show you the world little one!
Once we were home, we showed Savannah around the house. We ate our lunch and spent some quiet time with Savannah. Then John went to pick up Carter. We were both nervous for how this interaction would go! BUT, he did fine! Honestly, he didnt really seem to care much. lol
"Aw crap, I've been replaced." LOL
Loving our family of 4!!
I felt like I was on cloud 9! I was like- well I'm going to take a nap yall. The past little while had taken it OUT of me and I was exhausted. Dr. Yoon came in at that point and checked me. I told him my nap plan and he was like- nope. Your 10cm. We'll start pushing in just a minute. Umm. WHAT?! I looked at the nurse and was like- how did I get an epidural? She was like- I knew you were going super fast based on how you were acting. Ive never seen it in a first time mom, but I could tell what was happening. I didnt tell anyone because I wanted you to have that epidural for pushing. I could have hugged her. I did later. lol. She said most women will labor for 8-9 hours. It took me 3 1/2. Although, I'm pretty sure I went the fastest towards the end when it felt like I couldnt even breath. It was awful. At this point, John called all our family to let them know that our sweet baby girl would be here shortly! I was 10cm and to come on to the hospital. I have chills thinking about all of this now!! How much our lives were about to change! We were about to meet our daughter. OUR DAUGHTER! Crazy.
Of course when they checked me it was time for the nurses to switch shifts. Since my body wasnt in push mode yet, we waited until the new nurse came on so I didnt have to have nurses switch in the middle of pushing. I started pushing around 7pm. I dont know if the fast, violent labor or the pushing was worse. lol. I thought when you got an epidural that you didnt feel anything. I'm not sure if it worked all the way on me. While I couldnt feel the contractions (thank goodness!) I could still feel EVERYTHING else. Pushing. IS. HARD. Part of why I didnt want an epidural initially was because I wanted to be able to push in different positions. Luckily, I still could move my legs some, so I was able to flip over and lean over the bed to push, I pushed on my sides, and of course on my back. It got so hot that at one point I stripped down. The gown was in my way anyways. lol. I also did something that I NEVER thought I would do. I asked for a mirror! This ended up being very encouraging to me. I was able to watch me push her and see some of the progress! It was also frustrating to see her go back in some when I stopped pushing :(. We did learn in class that pushing was like 2 steps forward and 1 step back and that was very true for me.
I ended up pushing for 2 1/2 hours. Dr. Yoon would come in and out and help some but mostly it was just my nurse and John. I know neither of us realized how involved he would be. I always just pictured him up at my head. Nope. The nurse told him to grab a leg and hold it up while I pushed. lol. Bless. That. Man. He counted for me, held my leg, and was so encouraging. I could not have done it without him. I completely understand when people say they grew closer to their spouse in the delivery room because I definitely did. There was no humility left, but I grew closer. haha :D Towards what would be the end of me pushing, I got to the point where I couldnt hold my breath when I pushed any longer. I yelled. They had told me not to do that, but it ended up being helpful for me. I was also at the point where I was screaming to just cut the baby out of me. John said when nurses would come in and out he could see the other nurses at the desk and they were all laughing because they could hear me. Oh the things I yelled. lol. Those are better left to memory. HA! Towards the end, tons of nurses came into the room. I saw Dr. Yoon run in and throw on scrubs. At this point I was exhausted and delirious and just so out of it. I was done pushing. But they told me that when everyone comes into the room like that, that the baby is close. They were there for the birthday party. A few pushes more and out she came. She was born at 9:37pm.
All of the end was blurry. I remember looking down and seeing her being held up and then being placed on my chest. She wasnt crying. I freaked. Why wasnt she crying? She was looking around with the biggest eyes. THEN she started to cry. I couldnt even believe it was all real. John cut the cord! I didnt even get to see it happen, but I was so proud of him for doing so. He said after everything he had just seen, cutting the cord was nothing. lol. There are definitely things that neither of us will ever be able to unsee. But our sweet baby girl was here. John looked at me and asked- Savannah? It was a name we talked about that kept coming up to the top of our list. Same with McKenzie. We decided to put them together. It just felt right. So Savannah McKenzie. She was here. Her APGAR scores were 8 and then 9- So good! I just held on to her as they wiped her down a little and ran all the tests. I could only stare at her while I had to push out the placenta. That part hurt more than I thought it would after birthing a baby. lol. Then the "massages" came. Those hurt even more. Dr. Yoon was awesome. He was so encouraging and I was so thankful he was there to deliver Savannah. He said I tore only a tiny bit and almost didnt need stitches! I was pretty happy with that. I pushed forever, so I thought it would end up being worse. I also asked him to see the placenta! He was a little shocked- honestly, John and I were too. BUT it lived in me and I had to push it out. I wanted to see it. SO, he showed it all to me. The sac Savannah grew in was still in tact too. You could see where she lived and how the umbilical cord ran to her. It was really neat. I'm glad I asked.
Again, this part is a blur. I dont know how long she was on me before they took her to weigh and before we tried to get her to latch for the first time. I remember she latched well and ate a little. She did turn blue some, so I was told to keep an eye on her and make sure she was breathing. Like I wasnt going to be doing that anyways. haha. (this ended up being nothing and we never had any issues.) She weighed in at 8lbs 2oz and was 20.5inches long. Her head was 14.5inches round. It was huge. Even the nurses commented about how big her head was. haha. I was like- tell me about it! She did come out with her hand in her face, so they think that might be part of why it took so long to push her out. She loved her hand in the womb and we've come to learn she loves it in the outside world too, so we weren't surprised.
After awhile, John held her and I cleaned myself up for family to come in. Everyone came! It was so sweet. Grandpa even made birthday cupcakes for her!!! We shared her and visited with everyone until it was time to move rooms. My family stayed for a bit and then left so they could get some sleep. It was probably close to 2am at this point. We got settled into our room and were running off so much adrenaline that we were not even that tired. I do remember at some point someone went and got me food. I was STARVING. Every hour or so the nurses would come in and check on us. We practiced breastfeeding, which seemed to come pretty easy thankfully! Daddy changed lots of diapers and then we did try to get some rest. Well as much as you can in a hospital and feeding a newborn every 2 hours. haha. We snuggled so good. It was wonderful. A nurse came in a few hours later and gave Savannah a sponge bath.
The next morning- really a few hours later I got to order some breakfast (which ended up not being too bad at all!) John went and got some coffee and more food for us. haha. I got up to shower (with his help) and showering was amazing. Family started to come back for more snuggles and Uncle Steve came too! At some point they took Savannah back for a hearing test, which daddy said went just great! We are so thankful that everything just kept going like it should. The day flew by with visitors and snuggles. The next day we were allowed to get checked out by 1pm!
Daddy helped us into the car and we headed home as a family of 3! We were STARVING on our way home, so we stopped and got ALL of the Chinese food. I remember it being some of the most delicious food ever. lol It was so nice to be on our way home and start our new life together and not as scary as I imagined it would be!
I cant wait to show you the world little one!
Once we were home, we showed Savannah around the house. We ate our lunch and spent some quiet time with Savannah. Then John went to pick up Carter. We were both nervous for how this interaction would go! BUT, he did fine! Honestly, he didnt really seem to care much. lol
"Aw crap, I've been replaced." LOL
Loving our family of 4!!
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