October 31st!
Happy Halloween!!

Our baby is the size of a pumpkin today! How appropriate!! Usually, I pick the animal that my app gives me, but the pumpkin is too perfect for Halloween :D Baby girl is doing great! Just hanging out in there for now still :D She is considered full term and can come any day now! OR still take a few weeks. We'll see what happens! I'm very excited and nervous about this! Trying to guess when and how she will come is fun :D
How's Mama? I'm good! Tired! But trying to soak up every minute of being pregnant while I can. Sleeping is getting very hard, so I am very grateful to be working from home these days! I'm peeing like crazy, heartburn is woah, and I'm still have Braxton Hicks and maybe some real contractions every now and then. Nothing crazy yet! She moves like crazy these days and it's really fun to watch my belly dance! Everyone keeps saying that I must be ready, and I am SO excited to meet her, but at the same time I'm happy keeping her to myself for a little bit longer :D
How's Daddy? Super busy at work still! He's trying to get in as much last minute stuff as possible in case the baby comes on time.He's been super helpful at home too and loving on the belly :D
This Week: Monday night we sat out on the front porch and handed out candy to all the little kids! We didnt ever have a ton of people, which was kind of disappointing! We did have one little kid who saw Carter through the window (he was inside) and the baby wanted to play with him so bad. He wouldnt leave the window! haha. His mom had to come pull him away. It was cute.
The rest of the week, a lot of the stuff we ordered started to come, I washed all the diapers, and made some freezer meals. I finished getting our bags packed and wrapped up things at work in case I didnt make it back on Monday.
Thursday, I had another doctor's appointment. John was running late, so he actually missed the entire thing :( He was SUPER bummed out. He walked in right as we were finishing. :( The appointment went well! I met another new doctor and he was also amazing. I am happy with any one of these doctor's being on call when I go into labor. I still hope it's Dr. Yoon since he's my favorite, but they are all wonderful. I heard the heart beat again and everything seems to be going really well. I was still 3 cm and 70% effaced, BUT she had dropped some! We are in -1 station now. Just need her to come on down. Usually they would have scheduled me an induction date at this appointment, but my doctor was so certain she would come that he didnt want to. I was like- umm they told me that last week too....haha. He was like, she's so far down that there is a good chance your water will break first too! So that should be interesting! If she doesnt come, I have another appointment next Thursday and we would try to schedule induction for Monday the 14th. So my guess would be right! haha
So, I never got around to finishing this post or publishing it before baby girl came! The doctor was right and Saturday afternoon my water broke! More on that in the next post :D
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