We are on vacation from June 25-July 10! We will be in Raleigh from the 25th until July 5th.We will be driving up and then on the 5th we will drive home with my mom, sister, and brother! :D They will be here until the 9th. While they are here my mom is going to show us where she grew up and places around Miami that she remembers. I am SO excited :D I dont think my mom has had a vacation in YEARS! I am sad that my dad cannot be here, but very happy for my mom because she needs a vacation! lol.
While we are in Raleigh, of course we have tons of plans :D We are planning right now to potentially go camping with Johns family, attend one of Brad's shows, go to an American Aquarium concert (EEEEEEEEE!), celebrate 4th of July with both my family and John's (hopefully in Fayetteville!), meet Jennie's sweet baby, visit with our good friends, and eat at all our favorite places! I AM SO EXCITED!
What made it even better than we planned is that Krystal and Josh are going to come visit too!! They decided to come down for the weekend and come see us! They will go with us to Brads concert. I am also SO excited because Carter will get to meet Bailey!!! :D
I want this trip to be TOMORROW! Patience....lol
Other updates include: that we have finally purchased all the furniture for our apartment! I went shopping with the lady at the university who gets it all for us and we finally finished the furniture. We got TV stand for the living room and another chair for the living room. We still have to purchase art for the walls and some decorative stuff, hopefully we will actually be done soon. lol. I would like for it all to be done before my family gets here in July, but we'll see if that actually happens. They are also going to let us paint our walls! Or rather, let us pick out colors and they will paint! (Even better in my book!) We are going to stick to 2 or 3 colors and will probably paint the trim ourselves, because I dont think they will do that. The entire living room, dining room, entryway will all have to be 1 color because the room isnt broken up at all. I'll post the colors once we decide what we are doing, and of course will post pictures when it's all done! :D
On another note! John took a temporary job! Its not something that he will be doing for a long time or even something he really cares to do now, but it's something! I am so very proud of him :D He will be working afternoon/evenings, so it will be weird for me coming home and him not being there! I will keep you posted on the job search! He was also able to negotiate taking the vacation time we already had planned! So thank you job for being flexible! I would have cried!
We made the mistake of giving Carter bubble wrap and styrophoam to play with. We give him cardboard sometimes and he loves it, but after giving him the other, now he thinks he can shred anything like that...RIP Sports Illustrated. lol. We have to correct that fast! It was funny to watch him get the bubble wrap and styrophoam though! He made a MESS! haha. When I went to clean it up with the broom, he attached the broom. I was messing with him with the broom and now he's scared of it. haha
attacking the broom..
I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteYeah for going home to Raleigh! I'm hoping to do that sometime when we get out of summer school at the end of June. I have July and August off, but Tyler doesn't get a summer - so it makes planning challenging. I miss you! Thanks for the Carter updates. He's such a precious puppy, even if he gets into everything! haha