He meowed the whole way home. When we got home we had to lock Carter out of the room because the kitten did not like him- or us really at first. We got him warm and tried to feed him some water, but he wouldnt drink any. Since it was so late, we couldnt go get formula or anything. We held him for a long time and he started to fall asleep in my arms. :D We got a box and put a towel in it and made it his temporary home. John did some googling and found that it would be good to put a water bottle with hot water in the box with him, to help keep him warm. Since we decided it was a boy, we named him Mufasa. AWESOME! :D he was such a scaredy cat, so it was funny :D We let Carter finally sniff him out and Mufasa swatted at his face. Carter kept coming back for more. lol
We decided that the next morning since John had to drive up to Ft. Lauderdale anyway to get someone from the airport, he would take Mufasa to the rescue we got Carter from. Well they were not open when he left, so as soon as they opened I called them. Unfortunately, they were full :( So John had to bring Mufasa back. The rescue did tell me to feed it sugar water and since it was so little we had to get a wet cotton ball and rub his little bathroom parts to stimulate him to go. He peed A LOT when John did it!! Poor kitty. The things you learn. haha.
Anyway, I emailed my co workers and found out that apparently there are a lot of kittens on campus that are being cared for by volunteers. We got a hold of one and she took him. I cried. I knew we couldnt keep him for a few reasons- 1) we are allergic...lol 2) we dont have the resources to take care of another animal. Carter is already expensive!. But it still made me sad.
The volunteer fed the kitten and apparently he ate A LOT. and they found the mom cat and the mom cat accepted the kitten back. So at least the kitten is happy and with his mom! :D Here are a few pictures. He really is the cutest kitten I have ever seen!!
So small!!
I dont even really like cats, but he was cute. I couldnt believe how little he was! he REALLY like John. He snuggled up really good next to him and would purr. Too bad John broke out because of it. haha Good thing I have a sweet husband and he was willing to take care of the kitty anyway :D
He is cute, but he looks evil in that second one.