Whelp, a year ago on the 13
th John and I arrived in Miami and started this crazy journey we have been on for a year so far! Where does the time go? Part of me feels like I have been here FOREVER and the other part wonders how time went by so fast without me realizing it.
I must say though, that the year that we have been here has been pretty amazing. Despite the tragedy of losing my father shortly after moving here and swearing off this place after that happened, I have enjoyed my time here thus far.
This year has been one of many firsts for us. First of all, John and I both packed up all our stuff and moved to a city very far from home! I am SO blessed to have such an amazing husband that is willing to do that with me :D

What else is a first?
-Got my first professional job
-Dealt with the loss of a very close loved one

-Explored a new city together that we know nothing about
Got our car broken into :/
-Went on a day cruise!
-Traveled to a new island in the Bahamas

-Tried out awesome things like: kayaking, the zoo,
seaquarium, the Keys, different Miami beaches, snorkeling around a coral reef, renting a boat, Cirque
du Soliel, etc. (the list goes on and on!)

-Rode a

-Had tons of friends come visit!
-Went to our first professional basketball game- GO HEAT!

-Became Godparents

-Went to and cheered for another college football teams games besides
-Got my second professional job!
-Moved three times- not that moving is a first for us or anything, but moving 3 times is very significant as it takes up a LOT of time!!
-Paid off our first car

-Got our first puppy!!

I could really keep going but to sum up this year, it’s been amazing. I am beyond blessed that I have been able to go on this journey with a man so wonderful enough to go along with me. We miss our family and friends back home like crazy and I have no doubt in my mind that we will end up back there one day (probably not in the
toooo distant future). BUT while we are here we are going to enjoy it the best we can :D Here is to another great year in Miami!
Yay for 1 year! Yesterday was a year for us & I didn't even realize it until I read your post!