
Monday, March 23, 2015

Friday Favorites! :D

I am sad that is already Monday :( The weekend went by way too fast. They usually do though :( Anyway, here are my favorites from last week and through the weekend!

1) NC STATE!- We are doing VERY well in the tourney! I cant believe we are still in it! Thursday was our first game and we basically won at the buzzer! I fell asleep during the first half. I was at Krystal and Josh's house (John was out of town for work) and at the half decided to just go home because we were doing so bad. I figured I could pack my lunch and get ready for the next day during the 2nd half since it was so late and we werent doing well. Well the 2nd half got GOOD! And then we pulled it out. SO exciting! Then WE BEAT #1 Nova on Saturday!!! Say WHAT?! Ahh! Even more exciting! We had a few friends over to watch the game and we all had a great time! We celebrated for the rest of the night :D I may or may not have twisted my ankle in the process. lol. It's fine. The battle wound is totally worth it! Like John said- At least every time it hurts, you'll remember that we took down a #1 and that will make you happy. He's a silver lining kinda guy. lol :D

2) Jen and John- Jen and John and some of Krystal and Josh's best friends from Maryland and they came to visit this weekend. Of course we loved them to death! They are really nice people and we very much enjoyed their company. They also have the cutest kid in the world- he's 20 months and did not do anything to help me not want a baby. Talk about baby fever over here! lol. John even enjoyed him very much- my heart melts when he played with him. TOO STINKING CUTE. Hes going to be a great daddy one day!

3) ST. Paddy's Day!- I love this holiday. It's just so much fun. John and I got some stuff to wear to celebrate the day- I got a new shirt and John got a really pretty tie! (he's obsessed with ties, which is totally fine by me because he looks really really good in them :D). We had a potluck at work and then went over to Kristian and Andrew's for dinner. They made corned beef, cabbage, mashed potatoes, and soda bread! It was DELICIOUS. I attempted to make a cake. It was also delicious, but really really ugly. I didnt wait for it to cool properly and it fell apart. lol. It was the first cake I made my scratch tho! The batter and the icing!! The recipe is here. Mine was all chocolate- not white at all. :D Seriously, so good. Ugly, but so good. I still have half a cake left that I am going to make cake pops out of. :D I also did my nails with the st. paddy's day wraps- too cute!
 pobre pobre torta!

4) Snuggles- with the Carter and Bailey  :D They are too cute. 

5) NEW COMPUTER! - I GOT A NEW COMPUTER AT WORK! When I started, they pulled an old one out for me while they ordered me a new one. Well it just got here! I am SO excited. I also convinced them to let me keep my old monitor, so I have 2 now! I am one happy happy girl. My computer started to crash on a regular basis and a few times a day. It was also incredibly slow. My new one is SO much faster!! :D

6) Dinner with Krystal and Brittany- Brittany moved to Texas this past weekend, so we went out for dinner before she left. It was really nice to catch up and spend a little time with her before she leaves :D When I came home- John was passed out and NOTHING would wake him up. I cleaned the livingroom, kitchen, and ironed his clothes for the next day before he even stirred a little. Needless to say, I think he was a little tired! (he's gunna kill me for sharing this picture :D). But he's just SO CUTE!! I am one lucky girl :D

Anyways, I hope everyone has a fabulous week!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Happy Monday!

Is there such thing as a happy Monday? LOL. At least it's not raining this Monday. I seriously think it's the first time in a few months. AND it's supposed to be gorgeous today! So I guess that makes this Monday a little happier anyways :D  Anyways, here are the favs from the past little while :D

1. Weather- the weather has just been amazing. I love that it's warming up and that it's lighter later. It really does a lot for the mood! I love having the windows open! and honestly, I feel so much more productive when it stays lighter later :D

2) 2 weekends ago- John and I had a really nice weekend together. Didnt do a whole lot, but relaxed together and enjoyed the weather. Friday night we went to see Brad play at Deep River and hung out with some good friends. Then of course we finished House of Cards..ummm SO good :D I hate I have to wait another year to see what happens next. haha. Saturday we slept in and then washed the cars and did some cleaning around the house. John and I also engaged in some Pandemic- I'm kind of addicted and grilled out :D Sunday was day light savings and gorgeous! We opened the windows, hung out with Carter, and made sushi! And of course played more Pandemic. John helped me really clean the house up. He always knows how much better I feel in a clean house :D Love that man! Anyway, it was just one of those weekends that was just amazing. I very much look forward to more weekends in this nice weather. 
Deep River!
 Sushi time
 Nom NoM!
 The pups wanted some too...
 Bailey was tired, shes so cute when she falls asleep sitting up. haha
 Rolling sushi
nom nomz 

3) ACC Tourney- Just SO much fun! I love this time of year!! SO MUCH BASKETBALL! :D At work, we had a competition where we could decorate our areas. People went WAY out! So of course I joined! The week was fun getting to know everyone and seeing how people decorated. We had the games on and it was so much fun. One lady literally busted out tailgate foods and bribed everyone for votes. haha. It worked. I won 2nd place in spirit competition! But since I am on the committee, I didnt get to win any prizes. :( but let's be honest, to have the opportunity to decorate like this- at work! I'll take it! As far as the games were concerned, we played well against Pitt, but terrible against Duke :(. At least Carolina didnt win it all :D
I am in to work one day and the girl across from me had done this...
My cubicle is right across from hers, I could have this!
So John helped me and we totally one-uped her and more. lol so yeeaaaa...It looked really good and was fun to do. Shes a good sport and we joked around all week.

 Some of the other desks!  
 Duke tailgate!
 And a crazy wedding one. (if you were not into sports, you could do a theme of your choosing, so like the margaritaville one, this one took a different route It was pretty!)
 She even hung a chandelier...
 After lunch one day, I come back see this on my tent! 
So I moved my tent over her desk. lol :D
 Our set-up downstairs so everyone could watch the games!
 I love my place of employment :D
4) Vacation days!- I have reached my 90 days and am an official employee! :D No more probationary period and I get to take vacation now! So, of course I did. I am exhausted.  I wish I had taken more time off between jobs. I know it wasnt really a possibility, but I just feel run down and I think it would have helped. I took off this past Thursday and Friday to just relax. It was amazing, not enough of course, haha but I am thankful for those two days. 

5) Wednesday night- I got to kick off my vacation by watching State play their first game in the ACC Tourney! We played Pitt and did a great job! We had Krystal, Josh, Brad, Jenny, and Steve over. Good times! We ordered wings out and had a good time watching the game.

6) Thursday- I had the day to myself :D I slept in and then went for a run and watched basketball ALL.DAY.LONG. It was grand. We played Duke Thursday in the 2nd round and I made a bunch of food for everyone coming back over. It ended up being that only John, Steve, and I ate, but the food was delicious and we had tons for the rest of the weekend. haha. I made corn and black bean salsa, buffalo chicken dip, guacamole, twice baked potatoes, and John grilled some brats. We played TERRIBLE against Duke :( Sad, but at least we are dancing again this year. Hopefully, we'll make a good run. 
The spread- Steve also brought a few things to go with it... 

7) Friday- John also took off and while there wasnt much basketball on Friday until the evening, we had a good day. When we got up I made quiches with some of the corn and black bean salsa dip- SO good! Then we just lounged around and snacked on all the left over food. I went for a nice run. Friday night we watched the games and then caught up on some of our shows and nerded out playing our games :D. Sometimes it's just nice to not do anything, but together. lol.
Mmmm Breakfast. I wish I had this to eat again right

8) Saturday- not a favorite at all, but its a good reminder of what's important: unfortunately we had to attend a funeral. Kathy Eure was called home late Wednesday night. Such a sweet lady and I feel so bad for her family. I know they know shes no longer suffering, but I also know how hard it can be. She left behind 3 daughters and a very sad husband. Megan, one of her daughters is a good friend of ours. The Eure's have been a family that we find and tailgate with sometimes and they also took us to Atlanta our freshman year in college to attend the Gtech game. We stayed at some of their extended family's house. It happened to be my birthday and they even got me a cake. That's the kind of family she has. That's the kind of person she was. This earth is a little more dull without her for sure. The ceremony was beautiful and such a testament to who she was. She's now dancing with Jesus and hopefully she met up with my daddy :D On our way home we stopped and ran some errands. We also got stuff to wear for St. Patty's Day :D I love that my husband has an addiction for ties-he looks so good in them :D The rest of Saturday was spent with the Kinlaws. Kind of impromptu- but I guess that's a perk of them living in the neighborhood! lol. We watched the championship game and made dinner together. I tried my hand at wings for the first time and they brought burgers. We stayed up SO LATE. We havnt done that in awhile, but it was a lot of fun. One day, I'll look back at the nights that we stayed up till the wee hours of the morning on purpose and laugh. Probably when I'm up with a screaming baby. haha. 

9)Sunday- we slept in and were basically lazy all day. I cleaned the house some and we played with the Carters outside in the gorgeous weather and grilled dinner out. Then we watched the Walking Dead and that was all she wrote. haha. Overall, it was a great weekend! Sad it's already over :(

Here is to another great week ahead! :D

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Favorites

TGIF-SERIOUSLY. It's been the longest week ever. Probably because it snowed last week and we only worked like 2 days, but still. longest week ever. So I am VERY happy we are so close to the weekend! Here are the favorites for the week:

1) Pandemic- This is seriously such a fun game. It's a cooperative game where we all work together to save the world from disease. We might be #nerds but this game is awesome. We got it for Christmas and finally just played it for the first time. Krystal and Josh had actually played before too and have it, so they taught us! We played a few times last weekend and then again on Taco Tuesday!

2) House of Cards Season 3- Um. So good. We have two more episodes to go!

3) More normalish schedule this week- By that I just mean there was no ice that slowed everything down. I was completely exhausted all week, so working out didnt happen like it should. So that is definitely a goal for next week. 

4) Daylight savings is this weekend!- this is a favorite because you dont even understand how excited I am that we are gaining an extra hour of light each night. Who cares about losing an hour on Sunday- I need the LIGHT! :D
5) Taco Tuesday- MMmmm. This week Krystal made fish tacos, some amazing corn side dish (I cant remember the name) and fresh margaritas. Then we played pandemic and sorta watched/kept up with State beat Clemsons booty :D. It was a good day!

6) Warm Weather Wednesdsay!- this was probably the best day in a long time- weather-wise. It got up to 77!! It was GORGEOUS. We took our first trip with the top down in convertible and were really hoping to hit up Deep River for some beer and disc golf, but they were closed! So instead we headed up to 42 and then to the Kinlaws house. We grilled out and had a really great night. SO much fun. We stayed up WAY too late, but it was worth it :D Carter also enjoyed the pretty weather with some frisbee for the first time in awhile! Our yard has been too flooded and mushy to do much frisbee lately. He was SO excited. He is so cute. 
Happy Puppy!
 My heart :D
 Beyond ready for the warm weather!!

Tonight Brad is playing at Deep River, should be a great way to end the weekend! Happy Friday y'all!

Monday, March 2, 2015


When did it get to be MARCH?! What in the world?! lol. Time is seriously flying. and look! it's only been 2 weeks since I blogged! Thats like a record these days :D So here are my "Friday Favories" from the past two weeks :D

1) I GOT A  NEW PHONE! Praise the Lord. Seriously. Ever since my Iphone 5 got stolen FOREVER ago- I've been using John's old IPhone 4. and let me tell you. It was hanging.on. by.a.thread. It wouldnt hold a charge, took years to load, and started to randomly turn on and off by itself. Then I dropped it and shattered the screen. In Food Lion. I may or may not have yelled something inappropriate (sorry Mom). BUT it was really time for new phones, so it was kind of a blessing in disguise. Now I have an Iphone 6 and John got the Plus! So exciting. While his wasnt super old, he still very much needed an upgrade. We are VERY happy campers :D Our cases took a few days to come in (we didnt want to pay store price when you can pay a fraction of it online) so it felt like I was playing with fire having it not protected for a few days. Luckily, I managed to not drop it and crack it. :D
One of our first pics with the new phone :D

2) Snow days- I hate the snow. That is not why this is a favorite. BUT it did give me and John for the first time in I dont even remember a few snow days together! He's always worked at WRAL, which requires him to work when it snows and it didnt snow in Miami- so this year with our new jobs, we BOTH GOT SNOW DAYS! :D They were awesome. The snow not so much, it was more like ice and rain anyways where we live, but it was nice to have a few days off together :D YAY! I love that we both have jobs that allow for us to be home during bad weather. I also may or may not have gotten the Mustang stranded one day last week and John may or may not have had to come rescue me :D Luckily, I have a sweet man who will do those things for me :D We managed to get it to Johns work and then were able to get it the next day before more bad weather hit. 
When I got the 'Stang stranded it was because I followed Waze and it took me some back roads that were quicker to ice. :( This is 540- I was the only one on it!
 I got to a parking lot safe and there just happened to be a Starbucks in it! :D So I got some while I waited for John to come rescue me :D
 We got more snow on Tuesday, everywhere else got it bad on Thursday.
Even though I'm not much of a fan of the stuff, snow does make everything pretty :D 

3) HOUSE OF CARDS- WHAT WHAT?! We have been bingeing on Season 1 and 2 this week in prep for season 3! :D

4) Cracked Drain Pipe? Again, not a favorite. the favorite is that it ended up being not busted!!! We got down to 0 degree temps recently and one day after basketball John came home and tried to shower in our bathroom and the shower wouldnt drain. womp. We went under the house and there was an icicle hanging from the pipe. We got thawed and luckily we couldnt find a leak. We had the builder check too and he couldnt find anything either. We were afraid it was gunna cost us a pretty penny :( BUT it didnt. We'll still keep an eye on it, but hopefully we are outta the woods on this one!

5) Walk-thru- 4 months later and we finally had our walk-thru with our builder. He is NOT my favorite person and can actually be pretty rude sometimes. Luckily, he was nice when he finally decided to show up at our house for our inspection (2 hours late). He fixed a few things for us- our list wasnt long- and told us how we could fix some others. Luckily, there was nothing major on our list to begin with, but it was nice he did fix a few minor things. I'm honestly just glad to be done with it. It was hanging over our heads for far too long.

6) WE BEAT UNC! IN THEIR HOUSE! Woot woot! Oh yea! we may have lost TERRIBLY to BC right afterwards :( but that's normal NC State crap. I'll take the win over UNC any day though! :D
 Carter passed out on Andrew during the game. lol

7) Brewing- we brewed beer for the first time in FOREVER! We are making a Belgian Triple! Krystal and Josh had a brew day at their house and had a few friends over. Andrew also brewed. It was fun and now our beer is fermenting! We are gunna keg for the first time with this batch thanks to Krystal and Josh! I cant even remember if I posted about us buying a keezer, but we did! lol. It needs to be repaired, we think there is a leak in the coolant line (this is Johns territory) but the deal was too good to pass up. So hopefully, we'll get that working soon and then we can keg at our house!

8) Instagram- I'm a little late to the party. But for some reason when we got our new phones, we both joined. lol. I can see the addiction people have it! you can follow me now :D
Of course my first pic was of Carter and Bailey! :D

9) TGIT- GIRLS NIGHT! I love love love having Krystal and Josh so close! We get to watch Scandal together on Thursdays and the boys go and play basketball! I feel so blessed! :D 

10) Bailey's birthday! We've always been so far apart from Krystal and Josh that we have never gotten to celebrate Bailey's birthday with her on her actual bday. Well this year we did!! Just another perk of them LIVING RIGHT DOWN THE STREET!

11) Valentines day!- We ended up spending it with Krystal and Josh and then ran into some friends, which turned into a spontaneous dance party at our house. It was SO much fun. We ordered Chinese since we were having people come over and made our steak and salmon another night that same week. Which was delicious :D

That's all for now y'all! :D