
Friday, September 29, 2017

5 months!

Happy 5 Months!

This precious girl is 5 months old!! She is SUCH a good baby. We love how happy and easygoing she always is. Right now she loves to sit up (still with help), laugh at daddy and his silly sayings and faces, loves her Sir Leo the Lion (pictured! He's a friend all the way from London thanks to her Aunt Kristian and Uncle Andrew!) and LOVES to get her diaper changed. No, I'm not being sarcastic. haha Hopefully, this is a foreshadow for early potty training?! (One can hope, right?!) We actually get the best smiles and laughs when she's on the changing table. She is definitely a morning baby and likes to babble and talk to herself and us. She doesn't like getting overtired or getting to bed late. She's starting to teethe and chews on EVERYTHING, but her "chew toy" of choice is daddy's fingers. Definitely a daddy's girl (who can blame her?!). She brings us so much joy and love we never even knew was possible. She makes our hearts so full.

Savannah also got her 3rd ear infection :( We were told if she gets any more that we might need to talk about tubes :(. This month was also filled with lots of PNC for me and 2 baby showers! We got to celebrate some of Savannah's pending friends! Stephen and Lindsay's baby boy and Cinco! Savannah and Mason also got to spend lots of time together :D

Savannah didnt sleep well one night, which isnt like her. She wouldnt let me put her down. After a few hours I was finally able to get her to sleep and was able to lay her down. Her and daddy slept, while I made a doctors appointment. 
Ear infections are no fun!
Snuggles with daddy!

 We got to hang with Mason one day all day while his parents went to a wedding! Savannah enjoyed her play date! They practiced rolling over together and held hands a lot:D 
 Baby BFFs :D

We snuggled tons, like always :D
We played even more :D
We celebrated the first day of spring with a fun dress and the cutest smiles! 
Timehop shared with me that a year ago, on March 30th, we got to see Savannah for the first time!!! My goodness how things have changed and how much she has grown! 
We also celebrated daddy! John celebrated his first birthday as a daddy! :D Of course, I didnt get a picture :( But we love him more than anything and he is SUCH a good father!

Friday, September 15, 2017

4 Months

March 5th was a very special day for us! It marked 1 year from the day we found out we would be welcoming a sweet baby into our lives! It was also Savannah's 4 month birthday! How perfect:-) She's brought so much joy into our lives that we didn't even know was possible. 

Her 4 month check up went really well! She's a champ at shots and only cries for a second and then is totally fine! I have yet to nurse her right after because she's all smiles :D I love my tough little cookie! Our sweet girl weighed 15lbs 5oz- 73% percentile, was 26inches long- 96% percentile!, and her head is still huge in the 91%! 
She tried to eat daddy's nose during the appointment! LOL

She loves putting her hands in her mouth, recently started to suck her thumb (this is adorable!), loves us helping her sit up, watching TV, and is obsessed with her daddy! 
Practicing her sitting!
Working on that tummy time early on a Saturday!
We also tried the exersaucer- still a bit too small for it. lol
TOO CUTE! I hope it never ends. (I mean I do, one day, just not for awhile. It's so cute!)
She loves her paci too! How cute is that cow?!
I mentioned she's obsessed with daddy!

I couldnt get the picture to turn the right way, but I had to share the picture anyways. John ALWAYS writes his name on the leftover boxes whenever we go out and claims it all as his. Well now he's adding Savannah's and leaving me out even more! lol. I know I said she's obsessed with him, but it's definitely mutual! *cue the eye rolls from mama* haha :D

Savannah still doesn't like naps at daycare or amoxicillin. Unfortunately, we experienced her first sickness :( I knew it was bound to happen in daycare, but it's not fun! Luckily, she's a happy baby when she's sick and the only reason we even knew she was sick was because she had diarrhea. We took her to the doctor and we found out that had a trifecta- a cold, stomach bug, and an ear infection😭😩😔 Our hearts broke for her! We could definitely tell at times she didnt feel like herself :( But mostly she was still her happy self. 

What do you mean I'm sick?!
Two weeks later she was sick again :( This time with bronciolitis and another ear infection :(. She REALLY doesnt like amoxicillin. Maybe because it's cold and she doesnt eat anything cold? Not sure. But it sure is challenging giving it to her! and for 10 days! 
Sick but happy!
Savannah's rolled over a few times now and has started to sleep even longer stretches at night- like 10-11 hours!!!(hopefully this keeps!) It is amazing watching her learn and grow. Her smiles and laughs are our favorite!!! She's started "talking" too and it's precious!
Talking to daddy one morning! 
We also started swaddling an arm out! I wasnt sure how that was going to go since she LOVED being swaddled, but she actually started getting one arm out on her own. Then we just stopped wrapping one. Phew! LOL.
One of her last times swaddled with both arms
One arm out!
We celebrated our first Valentines together! She made us the sweetest little card at school :D The Kinlaws were gracious enough to babysit one night during the week so we could have a date! We had tickets when I was pregnant to see the Wood Brothers, but if you remember it got rescheduled. Well it was rescheduled to the day before Valentines day, so we made it our date. We went out to dinner and then had a great time at the show! 
Happy Valentines Day!
So Sweet!!
Wasnt thrilled about a picture...
But he humors me :D
Savannah and I made her teachers a little something for valentines day too! While I was being crafty, I made a picture collage for Savannah's crib at daycare too :D           

I also started back at PNC this month. My boss there is great and didnt schedule me a ton. It was SO hard working two jobs and not seeing her at all. It was also exhausting. It's a really fun job though, so my plan is to try and keep it up for now. 

     Of course Savannah doesnt like to nap much at daycare :( So when she gets home she's usually ready for a nap. We usually stick with the swing since she's fussy and doesnt want to get put down. But it works like a charm. The Snug-a-bunny is a life saver in our house!
Snuggling with Lamby!

We had a few play dates with Mason! They love each other already and it's so cute :D We celebrated Mason turning 6 months old too!
Baby BFFs!
Old best friends with new best friends!
 Hold my hand Mason!
We snagged a family picture after John took Mason's 6 months pics :D

She has a hard time napping at daycare, so of course one day when I pick her up, she's actually napping :( I just waited until she woke up. She can also hold her on bottle at daycare now too! I love the smile from her highchair at school :D

I'll end this post with all of our selfies from the month :D well not ALL, but a few :D

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

3 Months Old!

Happy 3 months! :D 
This little ladybug turned 3 months old! We LOVE watching her personality continue to develop. She is such a joy and SUCH a happy baby! Savannah has started giving smiles and some laughs and just has her daddy and I wrapped around her little finger! She loves being swaddled, spending time with her daddy, chatting in her crib in the mornings when she wakes up (she just goes on and on!) and still prefers nursing over the bottle. She does not like tummy time much or getting overtired. She's already trying to sit up on her own and has become so independent! This month was tough for mommy. We started daycare and work. Our wonderful time on maternity has ended. We decided to start her the week before I went back so I could take her to daycare and get adjusted to the idea. We did 2 days the first week. The 2nd week, we also did two days, but instead of being at home, I went to work. My first week back I only worked two days to ease back into things. Those first days were the hardest. The actual first day, I cried all day. Ugly cried a few times. I used that time to go and run some errands and get prepped for going back to work. I called around lunch time to check on her and she was still refusing bottles. So I ugly cried. Outside of Ulta. I'm sure people thought I was nuts. lol. She didnt eat all day that first day. The second day she had 1 bottle. The teachers were very nice and kept telling me when she was there full time that by the end of the first full week, she wouldnt have any issues with bottles. Luckily, they were right. My heart couldnt handle it if they were not. But I'll tell you what- the stress that lead up to trying to get her to take bottles at all and then leaving her at daycare anyway was intense. We tried EVERYTHING to try to get her to take bottles before going to daycare. We started WEEKS in advance and no dice. Luckily, it didnt take long. She wasnt going to starve herself. Phew. :D She does great at daycare now and her teachers say she's such an easy-going, good baby and they love having her (helps this mama's heart for sure!), so by the end of the month things were better. I do not like pumping though! and it's a BIG adjustment for me at work. Luckily, we have a great room and a company that is flexible, so that's not an issue, just the timing of it all. I'm just glad we are still making it breastfeeding, so I'll pump :D 
Snuggles during our last full days together before going to school/work
AH! I miss this face every day.
Working on some tummy time!
More snuggles!
Playtime! We LOVE to swing!
Selfies with mommy! 
:D Baby hoodies are the cutest!
Our last day of maternity leave together was full of selfies, naps, playtime, games with daddy, and we did it all in our pjs :D 
Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, eyeglasses, baby and closeup
Bath time before school starts!
Her first day of daycare! She fell asleep during drop-off. Sweet girl!

Basketball! Cheering against the tarholes! I love her expression here!
We found out the mustang WILL fit a carseat! ha!
She get it from her Mama ;D
These two cuties kept Mama company while I made dinner after work one night😍My heart is so full. 
My baby burrito!
She finally started to give me and daddy her smiles!!! (and not just the wall!lol) Her daddy was first (of course) but she started giving them to me! They make my heart explode💕💕 Her pediatrician said they would come at the perfect time and they sure did!! I love this little girl more than I even thought was possible!! And that was a lot!!