1) Salsa/Taco Cupcakes- John and I made homemade Latin food this past weekend! John made the salsa- AMAZING. And I made taco cupcakes. They were also delicious. It was also just a lot of fun :D The recipe for the taco cupcakes: Taco Cupcakes and the salsa he used a base recipe for homemade salsa, but did his own thing too. SO YUMMY!
Salsa! I cant figure out how to turn this picture. lol
Taco cupcakes! They are only called cupcakes because they are made in the cupcake pan. lol
2) Holocaust Survivor- That was definitely a life favorite!!!
3) Gone With The Wind- I finally watched the movie! If you havnt read the book, it would be incredibly hard to follow. But otherwise, I enjoyed it. It was neat to see what they made priority in the movie from the book. YAY! It also helped me start my goal to watch 15 AF's top 100 movies!
4) Our apartment- I realized that we have lived in the apartment we are in now for a year! A whole year! I think this is the first time we have lived together in one place for an entire year! YAY! :D
5) NC State Win- ALWAYS A FAVORITE!! YAY! and I could hold my head up high at work :D I think I forgot to post pictures from when we went to the NCSU game v. Miami here. So here ya go! YAY for beating them twice this year! HAHAHA. :D GO PACK!
6) Vera Cruz Dinner- Our neighbor is from Vera Cruz and she hosted a program for my residents this week. She cooked food that is special to where she is from. It was DELICIOUS! We were also able to learn a lot more about her! I am going to buy her cookbook :D
7) Running partner- Last night I went running with Monica- one of the faculty members that lives in my building. She's in her early 30's and had a baby a little over a year ago. She bounced back fast from it too! But she wants to get into running again (she used to run 6 miles a day). So we went together last night. She kicked my butt. I have now made her my personal trainer :D We have decided to go 3 times a week together. While I thought I may die last night- I didnt! and it only made me stronger and wanting to do better :D SO EXCITED! plus- it's really nice to have someone to run with and someone to motivate me while running! I'll be faster in no time :D Also, running in the evenings is WAY better for me :D
8) Avocado Fries/Lemon Chicken Cordon Bleu!- I tried both of these new recipes this week and YUMMY! I will make some adjustments to the chicken (smaller ham, thinner chicken). Also- the fries dont last long, so only make as many as you are planning on eating. They dont hold well. Chicken! (I made them on my pizza stone, so that's why it's that color)
Here's to a great weekend too! Happy Friday!
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