1) Spring Break!- I really do love the students being gone for awhile. That and most of my coworkers have been at a conference, so it's been SUPER quiet!
2) Cooking- I really do love cooking :D I have very much enjoyed it this week! Plus, we have gotten to eat some very yummy things!
3) Friday- I HAVE FRIDAY OFF!!!!! WOOT! A 3 day weekend will be wonderful :D It will be spent watching the NCAA tournament and hopefully going to the beach at some point :D
4) SOAP- I mentioned Dashing Dish yesterday, well Katie shared on her blog a method of journaling about what you read in the bible and reflecting on it. It's called SOAP- it stands for S- Scripture (you journal which scripture you chose from what you read) O- Observations (any observations you have on what you read) A- Application (how you can apply it to your life) and P- Prayer (write a prayer for how God can help you apply it to your life. It really helps you focus more on what you are reading! Anyway, I started doing it last night and it really does help to write everything down! I've never journaled about what I have read in the bible before, so I am interested to see what the Lord shows me through this :D
5) Crab cakes, Ginger Lemon Asparagus, Roasted Potatoes, and Frozen Hot Chocolate Milkshakes- Dinner last night was amazing. All new recipes that all tasted amazing! :D Just click on the item and it will take you to the site where the recipe is. As a note- the crab cakes could have used a little more crackers and I didnt make the sauce and you can tell the milkshake isnt fully a milkshake (it's actually a protein shake) BUT it still tastes SUPER close and I really enjoyed it :D Plus it's only 215 calories!
Dinner:D All for under 500 calories!
Happy Friday y'all!
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